Mudgirls Manifesto: Handbuilt Homes, Hand Crafted Lives
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When we began working as a collective, most of us had very little building experience. We learned to build by building.
We hope this book will encourage others not to wait for permission to embark on the building of their dreams, never forgetting to celebrate the things that go right along the way.
Our book is based on our philosophy: if noone is going to change the rules so that they make sense for the basic needs, rights, and respect for the biosphere that supports our very existence, then we should feel free to make our own rules. It happens to be cast through the perspective of building homes – as providing oneself with shelter is intimately bound up with the structure of everything in our lives. We are seeing to provide a true alternative to a wasteful, oppressive system that creates toxic boxes that inherently removes our right to learn, grow and challenge ourselves as people. The fact that we are women – traditionally dis-empowered in the building trades – and mothers – dis-empowered everywhere – only underlines the fact that this revolution is available to everybody who wants to step outside the “box”.
It is a book for the counterculture, holding descriptions of the challenges and the triumphs of resisting the conventional ways for thinking, building, and earning money.
It breaks down the boundaries of what is an acceptable way to make an income, include mothers, and have equal say in decision making. It lays out the insanity of the current system we reside in and how we strive to stay out of the conventional rat-race.
It has a detailed section on natural building tips, discussions on proper materials, plaster making recipes, build dry stack foundation and much more.
Thank you all for the support you have shown us over this last decade. We would not be where we are if it had not been for your kind participation and your big, attainable dreams.